
The Fair Labor Standards Act

Decent Essays

In general the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has set a general rule that allows minor as young as 14 years of age to work. Of course there are limits to the amount of hours worked. The military requires a minimum age of 17 with parents consent to join. Wow a 17 year old can be allowed to carry and M16 A4 rifle and fight for his/her country. But the National Basketball Association wants to up the age to 20 years old. Adam Silver is the National Basketball Association commissioner and he is wanting to raise the age that player can enter the league from 19 to 20. Doing so would stop many college players from leaving school after one year. He has been quoted as saying “I believe and continue to believe it will be in the best interest of the league. I think that the extra year in college will be a benefit for these young men to grow and develop as people and basketball players” (Reyes, 2014).
NBA player want to have the right to earn as much money as they can as early as they can and fill fight to have the age lowered to 18 at the next collective bargaining meeting. They argue that no other sport limits there athletes as does the NBA not for hockey, not for baseball and not for soccer. If you are good enough to play you should be allowed to support you and your family. National Basketball Players Association general counsel Gary Kohlman believes race may play a role (Associated Press 2015).

"I 'm reading and listening to college players and the other side saying

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