
Essay about The Fame and Fortune of J.K. Rowling

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Fame and Fortune Throughout the years we have watched J.K. Rowling tower over all other authors in the world. Rowling went through many trials, tribulations and hard ships to be the great woman she is today. Rowling’s life is now in the public eye all because of one boy, Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling once said “I thought I’d written something that a handful of people might like. So this has been something of a shock.”- J.K. Rowling (Rowling J.K.). Subsequently Rowling’s life will be forever changed. Joanne Kathleen Rowling has demonstrated perseverance, determination and insight to become the world’s best author. Joanne Kathleen Rowling’s childhood helped her become the person she is today. Rowling was born on July 31, 1965, in …show more content…

The story was that of a mystery, the literary form that endows the Harry Potter novels (9). A year later, J.K. switched schools and attended Wayden Comprehensive. At her new school an English teacher, Mrs. Shepherd taught Rowling how to write tight structured sentences (10). As time passed and J.K. mind grew more and more creative, Jane Austen became Joanne’s favorite author. Her favorite novel by Jane Austen was entitled Emma (13). Family needs played an important role in J.K.’s development. In 1980 J.K.’s mother, Anne, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (15). Multiple Sclerosis is caused by damage to the myelin sheath, the protective covering that surrounds nerve cells. When this nerve covering is damaged, nerve impulses are slowed down or stopped (multiple sclerosis). In the years 1980-1990 Anne Rowling battled this freighting disease. December 30, 1990 after years of battle with MS, Anne Rowling pasted away (Kirk). J.K. Rowling had many new challenges to face as a young adult. In 1991 J.K. Rowling moved to Oporto, Portugal to teach English as a foreign language, all in attempts to recover from her mother’s death the previous year (Nel 19). According to Joanne Rowling, “The idea for Harry just kind of fell into my head.” (18). While sitting in a train heading to London Rowling, without a pen, sat and pondered about Harry Potter, not knowing that one day this will make her famous (18). We ask ourselves why Potter? Rowling

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