
The Fight Between Romeo And Juliet

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Many might think it was originally a duel. A play fight from which no one knew who would walk out victorious. But this duel resulted in a couple of unfortunate deaths. It all started early in a Thursday afternoon in Verona. Tybalt started intensely arguing with Romeo. Romeo didn't want to fight the cousin of his loved one, Juliet. A few moments later Mercutio started arguing with Tybalt. They realized his anger wouldn't go down. Romeo then jumped into action and gets in between Mercutio and Tybalt. Mercutio’s words before his death, “I was hurt under (Romeo’s) arm,” (III.i.71). Romeo “this gentleman, the prince’s near ally. My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt in my behalf. My reputation stained with Tybalt’s slander,” (III.i. 71-74).

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