
The First And Hardest Part Of Writing An Essay

Decent Essays

The first and hardest part of writing an essay is figuring out how to start. A professor may give a topic to be written about, but in some cases that may not happen. The first step is to pick a topic. The topic will serve as your thesis. You want to pick a topic that you are relatively knowledgeable about so you are not completely in the dark. By picking a topic that you know even a little about, will take away the anxiety of not knowing where to start or what to write about. If you chose to challenge yourself and write a paper about something you are novice about, then you want to pick a topic that is broad enough to find enough information about. For example, if you want to write a paper about cars, do not make cars what your paper is about, because although it is a broad topic it is also somewhat narrow. Try to broaden your topic buy changing it to, “how cars have changed our lives.” Changing your topic to a more argumentative thesis gives you a pinpoint area to write about and leaves the door open to give you more to write about. The second step, and what I believe to be the most important step is locating sources to support your thesis. A research essay without sources becomes an opinion essay, and that is what you as the writer want to stay away from. Sources make your essay more creditable. If your essay is about “how technology has benefited students and teachers in the classrooms,” then you should find sources that are about how technology is used in

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