
The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom

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In the novel, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom creates a beloved character named Eddie. The story begins with him doing his job at Ruby Pier, and he hears an unusual noise. The rollercoaster’s cable is coming loose, and people are on top of it. The cable is about to snap and he sees a little girl under the coaster, not knowing what’s going on. He tries to save her, but he dies in the process. After this, the part he is in heaven starts to roll in. When he gets to heaven, he meets five people who he has intertwined with in his life. He either affected them, or they affected him somehow. One of the people who he meets in heaven is his Captain from when he was in the war. The lesson the Captain told Eddie was, “Sacrifice… Sacrifice

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