
The For Purchasing Premium Ski Clothing Within Short

Decent Essays

With little prior knowledge of running a successful SEM campaign using the vast array of tools available in the AdWords interface, this project generated a number of challenges. The most difficult aspect of the campaign was to express the reasons for purchasing premium ski clothing within short, text-based ads. The ads also had to align with the brand’s values and not waste money on irrelevant keywords. This challenge was overcome before and during the campaign via initial and ongoing communication with the Pure Brandz CEO. Communication was not an issue because all work on the campaign was performed at the client’s office. The client was therefore able to trust that at no stage would the campaign negatively affect the brand image or spend the marketing budget unnecessarily. The resulting level of trust and frequent communication were useful in maintaining a stress-free work environment to create an effective SEM campaign. Working solo on this project meant that the client was not able to collaborate at any stage of the process, could not gain knowledge from the experience, and therefore did not share insights or participate in discussions on how to optimise any part of the campaign. On the other hand, a team project must continually strive to prevent the possibility of moving the campaign off course due to groupthink. Groupthink is caused when a potentially harmful solution is agreed upon by all team members despite their internal objection due to their loyalty to the

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