
The Four Language Skills

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2.6.3 English Language Skill

(Essberger, 2017), “When we acquire a language, there are four skills that we need for complete communication. When we learn our native language, we usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read, and finally to write. These are called the four "language skills": Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.” It means that even in the first language acquisition, people develop the four skills of communication or language.

According to Essberger, Josef (2017), The four language skills are related to each other in two ways: the direction of communication (in or out), the method of communication (spoken or written). In fact, each skill had a big relation, which allows learners to develop their English Language …show more content…

For this reason, it is necessary to look for good resources and materials to support the language teaching-learning process. It necessary to notice the role that each skill plays in the language acquisition. For instance, Listening is considered as the basis of developing the other skills, it is because, through listening, learners learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Then, reading, permit learners to expand their vocabulary and learn grammatical structure. After that, writing, which allows students to produce the language. Finally, speaking recognizes as one of the main skill that allows students to produce the language and use the knowledge that acquired with the other skills.

2.6.4 Writing Skill

“Writing is the productive skill in the written mode. It, too, is more complicated than it seems at first and often seems to be the hardest of the skills, even for native speakers of a language, since it involves not just a graphic representation of speech, but the development and presentation of thoughts in a structured way.” (Cynthia, 2013)

Writing skill is considered as a productive skill, it is because it makes students to produce the language using grammatical structures and vocabulary that has been learned before. In addition, it represents the ideas and thoughts that learners want to translate in a sheet of

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