
The Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism

Decent Essays

Alyssa Hayes
Professor Wayne Knight
Hum 10 Tuesday
The four noble truths
The Buddhists strongly believed in the four noble truths which are the foundation of Buddhism. The first noble truth, is the truth of suffering or (dukkha). The Pali word “dukkha” can be described using the term “temporary”. Things that are painful and things that are pleasurable are considered dukkha because they are temporary and do not last forever. In relation to human life, Buddhists believe that life itself is not permanent and neither are we as humans.
The second noble truth is the reason behind suffering which is a “craving” or (tanha). The Buddhists, like many believe that human beings are never truly satisfied. Most humans spend their …show more content…

Buddhist use meditation to see beyond the distractions of the world. Meditation where you focus on your breathing is proven to lower blood pressure and decrease stress. Loving- kindness meditation focuses on increasing kindness and love. This meditation is good for controlling your anger or a conflict with a loved one.
For example, in loving-kindness meditation you can radiate feeling of love in all directions. You project your feelings of love north, south, east and west. “May all beings be safe, happy, healthy and live joyously.” Buddhists use this type of meditation to train their minds to be kinder. The goal is to develop feelings of love and kindness not only to others but towards yourself. There are three main techniques: mantras which are phrases that you repeat internally. Visualization, where you actually create an image in your mind of a person you are thinking of or yourself, smiling happily. And reflection, where you can think of qualities or actions that are good. Mediation is of much importance to Buddhism. Buddha himself attained enlightenment through means of meditation. But attaining enlightenment is not the only reason for meditation, many Buddhists use it to purify their minds. Buddha said,” He who is mentally concentrated, see’s things according to reality.”
Chanting is the traditional way of preparing one’s mind for mediation. Some Buddhists use chanting for purposes of rituals. Buddhism does not consider

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