
The Four Types Of Macromolecules In The Human Body

Decent Essays

Macromolecules come in the forms of lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. These 4 types of macromolecules are in everything we eat like grains, protein, fruits and vegetables, and dairy. During the week of September 12 through September 18 I used the Super Tracker app to record my daily calorie intake. The program recorded every single food and liquid item I ate and created a graph to show how much of each food group I ate in a day. Sometimes I had more dairy than vegetables, sometimes I had more fruits than grains. Every day was different. I sometimes went over the daily limit of saturated fat or sugars. Sometimes I went under the suggested amount that I should have in a day. By recording and understanding which macromolecules I consumed in a day, I could understand how my body is functioning after certain types of macromolecules went into my system. I could also see what kinds of foods I should be eating more or less of to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells. (Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD, 10/09/2012, Para.1) The lipids that are usually in our foods are fats and oils. Lipids are hydrophobic, meaning they have little or no affinity for water. (Neil A. Campbell, …show more content…

(Ashley Parrish, 06/04/2015, para.2) Carbohydrates are in foods like rice, potatoes, bread, and pasta. Carbohydrates can be healthy and unhealthy. Healthier carbohydrates include beans, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Unhealthy carbohydrates can be white bread, pastries, and soda. (Ashley Parrish, 06/04/2015, para.5) When consuming carbohydrates, our body takes the carbohydrates and turns it into glucose which becomes energy for our body. (Harvard T.H.Chan, para.4) The three main types of carbohydrates are sugar, starch, and fiber. Eating too many carbohydrates can cause excessive weight gain. (Emily Wax, 02/09/2016,

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