
The Front De Liberation Du Quebec

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“Just watch me” are the defiant words uttered by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in response to the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a Marxist group who captained Quebec independence through indiscriminate political violence. His words are not those of an iron-fisted strongman, despite how strong and undetailed his comments were at the time, but those of a calculated and well-versed leader, whose decisions came at the behest of prominent Quebec politicians. The FLQ instilled a decade of social violence in the streets of Quebec by systemically championing the struggles of French minorities who perceived unjust treatment in everyday life. Their qualms quickly evolved from protest to a Marxist movement, which incorporated …show more content…

Marx’s manifesto dangerously presented a worldview based on totalitarianism and humanization of armed conflict. The FLQ paraded Communist ideology as a revolutionary tactic to promote change, yet seemingly failed to realize the flaws associated with it, both politically and morally. Trudeau deemed it necessary to act as he did as the FLQ continuously promoted a hardline, and very literal understanding, ultimately culminating in the publication and distribution of an FLQ manifesto, which brazenly stated, “We are the workers of Québec and we will continue to the bitter end. We want to replace the slave society with a free society, functioning by itself and for itself; a society open to the world” (Belanger, 2007). Trudeau was adept at realizing how impactful a persuasive outside influence could be on minority populations who felt left behind by a changing Canada. Being French himself, he openly acknowledged the need to not alienate a large amount of Canada in his process in dealing with the issue, yet had to be strong-willed in the face of terror. Communism contradicts many of the societal factors which democracy takes for granted, and it became apparent as the FLQ gained influence that their perception become increasingly more nationalistic. Trudeau stressed the threat Marxism posed, as it is against normalcy to suddenly and brashly causer great change in society. A sudden

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