
The Function Of A Modern Nuclear Power Device And Its Process

Better Essays

Lachlan Milligan

Contents Page

Page 1: Contents page

Page 2-4: Explain the function of a modern nuclear power device and its process

Page 4: How is the process currently being used to further scientific understanding

Page 5: History and development

Page 6: Graphic Timeline

Page 7: Nuclear equation and energy calculations

Page 8-9: References and bibliography

Part 1: Explain the function of a modern nuclear power device and process
The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) is a type of molten salt reactor which will generate electrical power through nuclear fission. LFTR’s are a hypothetical and innovative solution to the future of power production which are a viable replacement of the current flawed uranium reactors.
Using LFRS’s as a nuclear energy source poses a number of advantages for the long run and short term. Many countries such as China and India are currently heading towards LFTR’s as a main source of energy. The LFTR offers unparalleled safety features in contrast to other conventional nuclear reactors, ensuring that incidents such as Fukushima will never occur again. Thorium, which is the element used to fuel LFTR’s, is three times more abundant than uranium (World Nuclear, 2015). LFTR waste is also less biologically harmful as it emits alpha particles compared to conventional uranium reactors which emits gamma particles. The radiotoxicity of waste across nuclear power production methods can be seen in

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