
The Geological And Biological Strength Of Europe Chapter Summary

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This book analyses the geological and biological strength of Europe. Beside of those strength points. Think about why can’t Africa or Thailand or any other countries make the same affections as Europe? What can we learn from the history of Europe? Every country has it strength and weakness, and we should learn from the strengths and avoid to repeat their weaknesses. The countries in Europe understand clearly about what is their geological strength, and will try to develop and protect it as their property. In this point, we have learned that we have to treasure our nature property. There are many countries that are only thinking about how to get more money from their nature resources, but less thinking about how to protect it in order to keep the resources last longer. Think about that, if a country only focus on getting benefits from the resources now, then there is no any left in the future years or even next generation because of the over gaining and using. Therefore, whenever a government wants to develop something from their nature resources, they should also think about some ways to keep it long lasting, and try not to destroy the environment. …show more content…

For example, SARS, it happened not long time ago. However, it happened in a time that when humans think they can control almost everything. This disease tells humans that we are not yet prepare to face a big disaster like this. The whole world had worked together to find the solution when it passed through country to country. We also learned that how important to learn and continue to develop our knowledge in different areas. This not only benefit the countries, but also the whole world. When people are more educated, and willing to contribute their knowledge, solutions are coming out easier. Just like the SARS, every country had worked together, and they successfully stopped it spreading

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