
The Girl On The Train

Satisfactory Essays

My interest in The Girl on the Train started when I read this line from the book, “There is a pile of clothing on the side of the train tracks. Light-blue cloth— a shirt, perhaps—jumbled up with something dirty white.” This caught my attention because later Rachel says, “I read somewhere that a train can rip the clothes right off of you when it hits. It 's not that unusual, death by train. Two to three hundred a year, they say, so at least one every couple of days. I’m not sure how many of those are accidental. I look carefully, as the train slowly past, for blood on the clothes, but I can 't see any.” At first, my mind started to ponder; is the so called “girl on the train,” the missing person of the clothes on the train track? Where did she go? How did her clothes get there? The idea of a missing girl foreshadows the future events of Megan going missing. When I first started reading the book i was intrigued by the clothes because i thought they were going to lay out the plot for the story. After I saw the film, I was confused because the film did not portray what i thought was important the same way that it was in the book.
The Girl on The Train is classified as a mystery/drama film. Although it tends to pull more mystery-suspense thriller. A website titled “Literary Devices” that defines literary devices states, “Suspense is the intense feeling that an audience goes through while waiting for the outcome of certain events.” At the start of the book you are given some

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