
The Giver And Exam Day Analysis

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“Our workforce and our entire economy are strongest when we embrace diversity to its fullest, and that means opening doors of opportunity to everyone and recognizing....” says Thomas Perez. Although this statement is true, there are some worlds where this statement is destroyed. This is not a place you could visit nor is it a place that exists in your life. This is a place that can only exist in your imagination. It exists only in the world of “ The Giver” and “Examination Day”.You learn the most and significant theme in “The Giver” and “Examination Day” That you always have two choices when you are different, and it can be a very painful decision: either accept normal ways again or stay unique and differentiated. For instance, some sacrifices …show more content…

This is because you would always think back if that's your prior decision was the right one. “ The Giver” Shows a nice example of this when Jonas and Gabe flee from the community and are off trying to set all the memories free. “At night Gabriel slept beside him, jonas lay awake tortured by hunger, and he remembered life in the community where meals were delivered to each dwelling every day” ( Lowry 173), This is a clear example of the main point because Jonas is now thinking in retrospect to the days of his community in which where he was fed nicely, but know that he was out of the community he has reminded himself of how the community life had been better than where he was now. So, he could’ve just handed himself back to escape the pain, but he didn't. This also happened with “ Examination Day” Dickie was forced to make a choice to either truly take the exam or to fake it for his life. “We regret to inform you that his intelligence quotient is above government regulation[...] whatever you wish his body interred by the government or would you prefer a private burial place” (Sleaser 3). This shows that clearly that Dickie has been clueless and could not see the small hints that his parents were trying to help Dicke to warn him. I say this …show more content…

Their is no way anyone can go back, because it’s like you’re trapped in a box and only you live in that world. In “The Giver”, an example of when this happens is when Jonas realizes what realizing is and he thinks about how he can release the memories. “ He couldn’t go back to the world of no feelings”(131).This matters because now that Jonas has decided he can’t go back to the world of no feelings this sentence just says that Jonas lives in a different world. This ties back to the main idea because again Jonas here had to make a choice whatever to be different or go back to how things really were. In “Examination Day” There is a quote that hints at the fact that dickie lives in his own world and that is 'Forget about it,' he said. 'He'll do alright”' (Sleaser 1).This shows that even his parents the people that care about him the most have doubts on him. This is because Dickie is stranger than other boys being curious and asking questions which proves he lives in a different world completely. Even though living in a world of your own is bad, it's what’s makes being characters different and important. Ultimately, in “The Giver” and “Examination Day” both Jonas and Dickie were forced to make a decision that leads them to their end because they were different. Causing them to lose almost everything they had and affecting others around them as well. In the end, when you're different you are forced to lose

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