
The Goal For Occupational Success

Decent Essays

To achieve anything in life, there needs to be a strategy and a path to get there. Whichever I plan on accomplishing, I must have a strategic method of getting to that point. By doing so I would form small attainable markers along the way to reach my main goal. With these goals will benefit me in being successful and achieving who I want to be in life and as an individual. Three goals I wish to achieve are having occupational success, in which long term I will strive to move up in my position and earn a promotion in a few years from now. Another goal for occupational success is short term in which I will be more self-controlled at work and will ensure that no uninhabitable behavior is demonstrated. The third goal is a health goal in …show more content…

In reaching my occupation goal of self-control, I would first need to recognize my impulsive thoughts. "We can also get so caught up on a single need that it creates its own problem" (p.48). Therefore, having these strategies in place will benefit me and help me build my self-control. Also, I need to exercise self-control by looking at the overall picture. For example, at work, if there is a long-term project the temptation may be there to get frustrated but if I retell myself and others that the end goal will be worth it this will prevent dismay. "Our self-conception becomes interwoven with the various roles we play" (p. 101). I believe the image I have of myself and how it would change over time with the several tasks at work will define who I am as a person and who I will be in the future. In reaching my health goal, I would need to have a health plan. "A person 's behavior is determined by an interaction between his or her personality and the characteristics of the environment" (p. R77). Having tactics to support the urge in the moment will help me form a better sense of self-control. By doing so, I should make an agenda of the actions I would desire to regulate and the circumstances that often cause the behavior. Through distinguishing the occasion when I get the impulse to act spontaneously, I 'll be further prepared to produce a pause amongst the impulse and behavior. An obstacle is any one thing that reasons you to misjudge goals to compose

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