
The Golden State Warriors And The Cleveland Cavaliers.i

Decent Essays

Have you ever wanted to tryout for a travel team you really wanted to be on?Well,I have! It all started when I watched the championship basketball game between the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers.I was so into the game,I was watching their every move as if a lion was stalking its prey! At this time, I was watching the game with my dad and my brother.This was the championship!! It was the last game of the 2014-2015 basketball season,which for me was the most exciting game of the season to observe.The team I was routing for was the Golden State Warriors,which was my favorite player on this team was Stephen Curry.(Still is my favorite player on the team today!) I still liked the Cavs,but I just liked the …show more content…

This was it,the Warriors won the NBA Championship 2014-2015!! I was happy because at this time,my favorite team,the Warriors,had one the championship!! My dad then states,”Do you think you would want to play basketball like they do in the pros,” “Maybe,I think I could probably do it,” I sighed. “Alright,I think you can to,”states dad. “Yea,but I think I would just need to go outside and shoot on our goal more.” “After all I haven 't actually played on a basketball team before,”I said. “I think so too,I think it’s time for you to go to sleep,it’s getting late,” whispered my dad. “Okay,I guess I will go to sleep,after all it is getting late,” I state.After this I decided maybe I should go to sleep,after all I am pretty tired!! So I then went to sleep and the night went on like normal.School was also the same,nothing special happened at school either until I got off the bus.Which that Monday I heard that one of favorite travel basketball teams,Lady Jags,which they were located and they practiced in Louisiana,would be holding tryouts in 5 weeks!! I was ready to tryout,but I wasn’t 100% I was going to make the team. My dad then asks me,”Are you going to try out for the team.” “Yes,probably,I just could use more experience,”I state. “Yea,but I can

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