
The Great Depression In The 1920's

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The Great Depression, also known as the time of hardship and financial struggle. This horrible event took over the years of 1929-1939. Financial crises were experienced within this time span like the stock market crash, many bank failures occurred. The Great Depression involved a high unemployment rate, low wages, poverty, and a huge economic downfall.
In the early year of 1920, there was a tremendous expansion within the United States. Henry Ford produced cars, this caused for the use of labor. Many individuals had jobs and the industry began to expand. Sales were advertised by having people buy all of the newly produced items on credit. But, the economy began to fail. The Great Depression began after the Stock Market Crash of October 1929. …show more content…

Roosevelt came up with an idea to help people find jobs and lessen hardships for some families. In the year of 1933, banks began to close. President Hoover tried his best to support all failing banks and hand out loans from the government. Although, the government should not interfere with the economy, they assisted in some way. All banks had to close due to The United States Treasury not having enough money to pay everyone that was working for the government. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, came up with a brilliant idea to get information out to the public. This brilliant idea was known as “Fireside Chats”. This broadcast would be useful to all Americans that had radios in their homes and they would know what was going on every day. The media was introduced to depict all of the hardship that the United States was facing during the Great Depression. As we progressed, everyone in America owned radios and …show more content…

the kids that dropped out began to work. They worked for low wages to help provide for their families. This also relates to farmers. Many farmers had damaged crops due to bad dust storms and drought. These dust storms were referred to as “The Dust Bowl.” The huge storms left farmers without good crops and grass for animals if they owned some. As time went on, the Works Project Administration was thought of and, millions of people were employed. This also improved the economy. The Great Depression also effected other governments. Germany was affected by the United States depression in 1933. Six million Germans experienced unemployment. This was similar to the United States having a high unemployment

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