
The Great Divorce: Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

The Great Divorce starts out by describing Hell as something similar to a city on earth except deserted. C.S. Lewis writes that the town, where the bus stop is, contains shops and warehouses, but it is gloomy and very few people are present. Those who are introduced in the exposition of the book are only in this deserted part of Hell to catch the next bus to the Valley of the Shadow of Life or Heaven. The shops and warehouses are gloomy and look worn with time. The narrator describes the warehouses as “windowless” and the houses as “dingy.” When the bus arrives, everyone scrambles and fights their way onto the bus even though there are few people present and clearly plenty of room for all of the people who want to get on. Heaven is given a …show more content…

She comes to heaven to see her son, but is told that he cannot see her until she is more “solid.” The mother asks how she can accomplish this and the “bright spirit” says by loving and believing in God. The mother thinks that what she is doing is loving her son, but she cannot know how to love as a mother without first knowing how to love God. She was trying to use God as a means to her son. She says that she cannot grow to love a God that keeps her away from her son. This conversation between her and Reginald continues for a while and the narrator does not see how it ends. The woman was driven by purely selfish motivations. She did not want the best for her son, if she had the chance to drag Michael down to Hell to be with her she would have. The woman was unable to give up her selfishness and trust that she would see her son in time, but first she had to better herself.
The third example is of a ghost who is being whispered to by a lizard. An angel who is described as being both bright and radiating heat. The angel asks the ghost if he can kill the lizard, but each time the ghost tried to come up with an excuse until the ghost finally gave in and the lizard was killed and thrown to the ground. The ghost transformed into a solid being and the dead lizard transformed into a stallion. They both ride off into the mountains at lightning speed. This example demonstrates what could happen if the ghosts gave up their vices and made their way to the

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