
The Great Gatsby Good Vs Evil

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The relentless struggle the boys endure is only a struggle between their inner selves, and the evil that surrounds them. The struggle of good and evil is a struggle fought inside their own minds. Rohitash states,“Though the young kids are in a place which is far from corruption, a place with no outside influence, the evil, inherently presides inside humans”(Rohitash). Rohitash is saying although the children are far from corruption there is still evil present on the island. Somewhere on that island hides evil. Evil may lurk in the shadows of the trees, on top of the mountain, or anywhere in fact. On the island there is no connection with the outside world, no adults, or anything that was brought onto the island, except the children, from the …show more content…

Fitzgerald says in his article,“Our diseased nature, the beast in us, leads the boys to war and barbarism just as it does in the adult world.”( Fitzgerald 80). Fitzgerald is saying humans are afflicted with this emotion inside them that drives people to do awful actions they do. The society we live in today is not the golden age. War and death are happening all around the world every single day. Evil is everywhere there is no hiding or escape. Evil can consume a person, a group, a country, or even the entire world. In The Lord Of The Flies the world is at war, and the children are free of corruption of the outside world. Although there is no influence from the war happening around them the boys on the island create their own war with themselves over leadership. The children have nothing but each other on the island. Ralph, Simon, and Piggy know they have to stick together to stay alive, but Jack becomes corrupted by evil and ensures no one will bring down his leadership. Although they are not adults the evil conquers their minds, and leads the boys to killing each other. Even though these children are not in the adult world they still have that affliction that makes them go to …show more content…

While all the other children in the novel succom to corruption by the presence of evil Simon perseveres through it all. Simon proves himself to be a godly character by feeding the young children, trying to warn the others of the real danger, treating others the way he would want to be treated, caring for others before caring for himself, and many more qualites Jesus Christ would have. Simons similarity to Jesus also shows how he is different from the other characters in the novel. Simons death, his actions, and his mindset show how he is not affected by the evil that corrupts all of the other children. The other children on the island start beating Simon to death almost the instant Simon comes from out of the forest. This shows the children on the island have been overcome by the evil that surrounds them. Simon is the only character in the novel that does not succomb to the evil that corrupts all the other characters. In the Bible Jesus is tempted by evil, but Jesus resists all of it just like Simon did on the island. Simon being a godly character in The Lord Of The Flies shows the corruption the other children in the novel have

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