
The Great Powers Of The Japanese War

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VII. Conclusion
To conclude, one must take the actions and role of Yamagata, the Genro as well as the happenings and aftereffect of the Sino-Japanese war in order to rationalize the aggressive behavior of members of the Japanese military state. John Mearsheimer’s description of offensive realism perfectly describes Japan during the Russo-Japanese War. The actions of the military prove he assumptions asserted in the method section of the paper in the following ways.
Firstly, the international system is anarchical and the great powers wish to maintain this status. Although Japan was not considered a great power at this time, there was little reason for the Great Powers (England, France, Germany; Russia) to perceive Japan as any military threat. These powers worked and fought against each other to maintain their status and did not expect a non-great power to try to change the status. One may claim that Japan chose the “weakest” of the great powers to show off its military might, but one can also disprove this claim based on the proximity of Japan and Russia. The countries had similar interests in China and Japan needed to maintain its military ability in the region.
Secondly, States must possess offensive military capability to remain relevant in the global spectrum and protect themselves. As opposed to having a mere defensive capability, Yamagata understood the importance of the Japanese military taking what they needed for the good of Japan. Having only a defensive military

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