
The Great Recession Of 2008

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Stefanos Lazaridis Professor Demiray Economics 200 October 18, 2015 Great Recession of 2008 The Great Recession in 2008 led to a huge crisis in the United States economy. This recession almost led to the entire collapse of the United States economy due to the constant unstable changes in legislation, regulation, along with the changes in fiscal and monetary policies. Furthermore, many economists believe that the increase of excess monetary and government irresponsibility led to the overall crisis in the mid to late 2000’s. Some economists believe that the oversupply of monetary contributed to the 2008 crisis due to low interest rate targets that were substantially below the monetary requirement. In this paper I will discuss the effects of the changes in monetary and fiscal policies that altered the economy in 2008 as well as the current and desired gross domestic product for the future United States economy. The United States fiscal policy can be defined by how the United States government collects revenue which is usually through taxes from consumers, and how the government spends (expenditures) the money collected in order to influence the economy. Moreover, many Keynesian economists believe that by adjusting level of taxation and government expenditures, supply and demand could also impact aggregate demand. For example, if John says that there needs to be an increase in jobs to enhance overall stimulation in the future economy, he would have to allocate resources and

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