
The Greek City State In The Hellenic Period, And The Greek State

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The Greek city state in the Classical age, also known as the Hellenic period, and the Roman Republic both began as city states. The Greek city state was based their politics on the concepts of citizenship, and the responsibility of citizens to make their own justice. Although traditional beliefs remained strong Greek politics revealed that their, “institutions do not emulate the laws of others. We do not copy our neighbors: rather, we are an example to them. Our system is called democracy…law secures equality to all alike” (sources 58). The philosopher Aristotle, a student of Plato, believed that by nature humans belonged in a city-state and who ever lived outside of the city-state was “fool”. People were expected to agree to form part of a political community in order to grant the right of equal treatment for citizens under the law despite of social status. Aristotle suggested that in order to live in the city-states, citizens had to join a political community and only the polis can help citizens live a more meaningful life. Political and societal values of the Greek city state in the Hellenic period took a turning point when Alexander the Great (356 B.C.- 323 B.C) commanders in the army created new kingdoms. In the beginning the citizens of Athens created a democratic city-state government. The Athenians attempted to create an empire with the help of the democratic alliance, the Delian League, which included three hundred city states. Each state had to pay dues to

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