
The Habits Of School Lunches

Decent Essays

School lunches have always been somewhat tasty to students, but do these lunches provide the nutrients that these children need? Lunches provided by schools are known to have artificial flavors because they are the cheapest to afford when it comes to providing for a large number of students. There are different sources that agree with the idea what school lunches lack the nutrients that students need. Mark Bittman’s article, “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables”, provides an example how American’s can change their eating habits. In the article “No Lunch Left Behind”, by Alice Water and Katrina Heron, they discuss how to fix the National School Lunch Program so students will be provided better lunches. In another article “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First figuring Out Its Cause”, by Jane E. Brody, it talks about the possible causes of the obesity epidemic and the possible solutions to reduce obesity. While the school board and their concern with money stand in the way of providing healthier lunches for students, children should be provided at least some kind of portion of organic food to help with their nutritional needs; therefore, the government or school board should provide organic, non-processed meals. One way to help with student lunches is by changing the ingredients used in the lunches. The problem with the ingredients used in lunches is that they are full of fats and oils that possibly cause sickness. Waters and Heron say there is a program, the

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