
The Hebrew Bible : The Law Of Moses

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The Law of Moses, or Moses’s Law refers to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, sometimes call the Pentateuch, or Torah which is a central reference of Judaism. Of the covenants found in the Pentateuch are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books contained the laws and instruction given by the Lord to Moses which establishes Isreal as a nation. All five of the books are believed to be written by Moses himself, with the exception of Deuteronomy. There is controversy as to who did complete Deuteronomy as it could have not been completed by Moses in its entirety, because it tells the story of his death. While it is evident that the books of the Bible were written from Deuteronomy to Revelation, the agreement, or Covenant with God originates here with the Law of Moses.

Definition The word Covenant translates from the Hebrew word “berith” and proposes that two or more parties are bound together under a contract with agreements, promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities. In the Old Testament it is used approximately three hundred times. Secularly, as defined by Merriam-Webster it is “usually a formal solemn and binding agreement ”, or “a theology formed on how God has chosen to relate to man ”, throughout the Bible we see where God makes agreements with His creation. Biblically however, a Covenant implies much more than a contract or a simple agreement between parties. The Hebrew word “berth” means “to cut”. Jerimiah,

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