
The Highest Value Of A Democratic Society

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The highest value of a democratic society The word democracy has two major meanings: a government by the people who are the majority, and also it can refer to a government in which the ultimate power is given to the people who directly or indirectly exercises it via a system of representation and usually involves free and fair elections. Democracy refers to a government created through elected representatives. Democracy in the society favors equal rights and believes in the freedom of speech as well as the view of the minority groups in the society. Democracy is based on the principles of the rule of majority and rights of individuals. A democratic society is where all government levels are made accessible to the people (Jensen & Romanowski 30). Certain values define a democratic society, and this may include life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the common good, justice, diversity, equality, truth, popular sovereignty, patriotism, equality, general accord among others. This paper discusses each of these values and also determines which of these values represent the highest level of a democratic society. These democratic values represent the fundamental beliefs as well as the basic principles of the constitution which unit all people in a given nation (Christman 242).
The common good The common good refers to a situation where every member of the society works together so as to benefit every member of the community. Examples of the common good by the government of

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