
The Hippie Aesthetic Era of Rock and Roll Essay

Decent Essays

The hippie aesthetic era was an important time in rock and roll during the late 60’s and on into the early 80’s. It was a time were rock had a sense of purpose. They sung about the issues that plagued the country. It was also a time where technology would play an important roll in the sound of music, with the advancement in recording and synthesizer technology (Covach, “The Hippie Aesthetic”). The hippie aesthetic was not immune to the advancement of music. This essay will go over three songs that represent the different aspects of this era. It’ll will review a song that is predominately hippie aesthetic, a song that is a little of both, and finally a song that has no trace of hippie aesthetic. “Missionary Man” by The Eurhythimics, …show more content…

Eventually they did play his video, but only after it was a #1 hit (“Songfacts”). His video paved the way for other black artist to receive airplay on MTV by break down the race barriers. Quincy Jones was the one responsible for the arrangement of “Billie Jean”. Jackson and Jones agreed that they want Steve Barron to produce the video (“Songfacts”). Barron had a complex plan of using many dancers but do to budget constants he had to settle for a more simplistic approach (“Songfacts”). The bass and drums laid the foundation for the song with the chorus providing a “catchy melodic hook” (Covach, “Introduction to Rock”). “Billie Jean” was one of those songs where it was transitioning out of the hippie aesthetic era and more into the pop era. It was a little of both styles. The energy that Michael Jackson put into his songs and videos showed a clear correlation to the hippie aesthetic (Covach, “The Hippie Aesthetic”). AC/DC’s “Back in Black” is a good example of a song that is not hippie aesthetic.
AC/DC’s “Back in Black”,, was release just five months after their lead singer Bon Scott died (“Songfacts”). “Back in Black” was to be a tribute to Bon (“Songfacts”). The lyrics suggest that he’ll never die, because he’ll live on forever through their music (“Songfacts”). Brain Johnson later joined the band after being discovered in a

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