
The History And How Of Computers

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The History and How of Computers Everything you do on a computer or phone is meticulously programmed. Surfing the web requires HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, and PHP. Lines upon lines written such as “$temp = password_hash($object->password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);”. The binary zeros and ones of machine code turn into video games, websites, and programs such as what you are using right now to read this. The age of information was brought forth by the ability to access all known information and share new knowledge. The unsung founders of the age of information are programmers that created the links between peers that we now call the World Wide Web. In the past 200 years, a computer has gone from reading punch cards to running simulations on how the universe was created. In the beginning, there was Jacquard. Joseph-Marie Jacquard was an inventor in France between the 18th and 19th centuries. His most famous work was the Jacquard loom, which read a punch card in order to weave a chosen design into cloth. In 1822, Charles Babbage had the idea of a device powered by steam to calculate tables of numbers, although the idea was to be funded by the English government, it never came to be (The Engines). Decades later, in 1890, Herman Hollerith revamped the punch card system in order to calculate the census. Hollerith’s company became what we know as IBM who later paved the way for data storage by floppy discs and hard drives (“IBM is Founded”). The beginnings of the modern computer

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