
Essay on The History of Five Churches in London

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The churches of London have been through a lot over the past few centuries and the show us every major phase of English history. The church had a great importance in the medieval society and transitioned now to the modern days. There are little events that changed the buildings inside and outside such as the laying of London Underground which damaged only one churches and there are big incidence such as the Great fire of London which completely destroyed or severely damaged over 80 churches.
Since there are so many churches I focused on just five different ones and their historic background. All of them are set in the City of London, which is the center of the much bigger city London and are still in use today.

Most of the Churches were …show more content…

A new way of building a church was with a cross-in-square plan, that is said to be a dutch influence, and a very untraditional nave and aisles with subsidiary chapels.
A lot of churches needed a general rebuilding in the 18th and 19th century such as St.Bartholomew the Great and All Hallows London Wall. These restoration were needed because of dissolution and decay. During the 19th century declining population and church attendance in the city intersected with growing appreciation of the buildings . Because of that Bishop Tait enforced the Union of Benefices Act of 1860 which lead to the demolition of 16 city churches.
Around that time St.Nicholas Cole Abbey was disturbed during the laying of the London Underground and St.Bride’s Fleet Street was struck by lightening and needed some restoration.
A much bigger impact had the damage that was caused by bombs during the second World War. St. Olave Hart Street for example was hit by four strikes and was restored in 1951-1954. Other Churches such as All Hallows London Wall and St.Bride’s Fleet Street had some serious war damage and St.Nicholas Cole Abbey was burnt out in 1941 and reconstructed in 1961-1962. Even though those churches needed some restoring architects of the 20th century tried to keep it as original as possible and focused on the old parts of the church without any modern influence.
Throughout these years the churches were adapted

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