
The Holly Spirit and His Holly World Essay

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The natural world which mankind inhabits is visible to physical eyes. Tangible objects fill the scenes of this earthly realm. The world and its components are familiar and open to humanity and as a result most are comfortable with their natural environment and with what they can physically see. Yet, man is a two-fold being in that he is a spiritual being as well as an earthly one. Man possesses a soul, and that soul will live eternally. Of course, the soul of man pertains to the spiritual side of mankind where the spirit world play an integral role in the decisions he makes, the influences he is subjected to, and where the soul of man will ultimately spend eternity. The invisible spirit world is full of spirits which aid every soul in …show more content…

The Holy Spirit, however, does not have the primary spot in most hearts. “The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience,” is the ruler of most individual hearts. Spirits come from two distinct sources. Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ is of God, and every that does otherwise is not of God. The spirit that is contrary to Christ is antichrist, which is in the world today (I John 4:1-3).
The world today is ruled by the devil who is the one that works in the children of disobedience, disobedience to God and his word. All disobedience is sin, and sin is the root of man’s problem. The evil in the world today is not the result of mental illnesses, or deep psychological problems. Sin is the problem of man. Men have yielded to spirits which have driven them to commit sin, sins such as adultery, fornication, murder, lying, stealing, cheating and many others condemned by righteous principles. The fifth chapter of Galatians specifically names out the works of the flesh and shows clearly that such works are to contrary to the Holy Spirit. Why? The reason is because the works of the flesh come from a contrary source, a contrary spirit. The Bible clearly states, “They that are in the flesh cannot please God.” Romans the 8th chapter also shows that if one is of the flesh he minds the things of the flesh, but if he is of the Spirit He minds the Spirit.

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