
The Holocaust: A Brief Analysis Of Bruno

Decent Essays

Basically this book is about a little boy named “Bruno”. Bruno doesn't understand a lot of things about what his father's duties are as a working man. Little did Bruno know his father is actually Nazi Commandment for Hitler. Now to refresh your memory on Hitler, Adolf Hitler is the leader of and Fuhrer of nazi Germany. Basically he punished jews and had “Concentrations Camps.”
In the book Bruno and his family make a huge move. Bruno wasn't too happy but he learned to live with it. Along with the move Bruno slowly noticed he didn't know much about where he was. So each day he was there he would discover further for the truth. Going out to play meant to see his friend across the gate “Shmuel.” He came across this young fellow one day on a journey. Shmuel did not educated Bruno on much on what was going on over there on his side. But Bruno brought him food all the time and sat there and talked to him for hours. Bruno began to notice Shmuel would be in his …show more content…

Unlike Shmuel, Bruno was not to familiar with how they do things on the other side of the fence. But Bruno’s intentions were to be a good friend and help find his friends father. So shmuel grabs and extra pair of uniforms and gives Bruno them to change in to. Bruno changes his clothes and leaves them right below the fence and Shmuel lets him under the fence. They look and look for the father but get overheard by the soldiers and get thrown into a “Gas Chamber.” (used to burn jews to death) They were demanded to strip their clothes. Little did they both know they were walking into their deaths. This book is very great in describing Hitler. There's a sadden ending only to really show the truth about one of our worst history memory. At the very end Bruno’s parents find out what happened and our very devastated. There is also a movie made similar to the

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