
The Holocaust : The Destruction Of The Jews

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The Holocaust is by far the worst genocide ever committed, with between 5 and 6 million Jews murdered; along with countless other minorities the Germans deemed inferior (The Holocaust Chronicle Appendices). The Holocaust began with the boycott of Jewish businesses, and ended in camps such as Auschwitz. The destruction of the Jews was made possibly with the rise of Adolf Hitler to power, as he and his fellow Nazi followers attempted to exterminate the Jewish populace of Europe. In the paragraphs to follow I will attempt to explain the reasons, as well as the implications of the Holocaust.
Hitler’s determination to return Germany to its former glory are clearly outlined in his manifesto Mein Kampf, which he wrote while in prison for his 1924, coup d’etat attempt. Hitler’s three primary objectives were to first destroy the Treaty of Versailles, which he felt treated Germany unfairly, a view that was shared by many Germans. Second, he desired to create a powerful Germany, or Grossdeutschland, by uniting all German-speaking people within one country. Finally, he wished to expand Germanys borders eastward into Poland and Russia in order to gain more land for the German people. Unfortunately, for many, Hitler realized Europe was ripe for the taken, primarily due to France and Britain not desiring another World War at the time. Consequently Hitler, being an opportunist, understood this and was able to take advantage of the situation for his own benefit (The History Place - Genocide

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