
The Hot Hand Theory Of Basketball Is A Fallacy Essay

Decent Essays

Evidence presented throughout the last forty years has suggested that the Hot Hand theory in basketball is a “fallacy.” Evidence suggested that there is no scientific reasoning for being able to improve one’s odds of making a jump shot, if the previous three shots were made. New evidence presented by, Andrew Bocskocsky, John Ezekowitz, and Carolyn Stein, suggested that there is a better chance of making a shot if the previous three shots have been made. The authors have used equations that take into account different aspects of the game, which could influence “hotness.” Previously, these variables have not been taken into account, which could have possibly skewed the data. The evidence in the peer-reviewed journal article, has taken into account all aspects of the game that could influence the probability that a shot will, or will not go in. In the article Bocskocsky, Ezekowitz, and Stein, used a data set from 83,000 shot attempts throughout the 2012-2013 NBA season. From each shot taken, stats were recorded regarding the different aspects of the shot. First off, shot difficulty needs to be taken into account. Who is taking the shot will influence the probability of the shot going in, depending if it is a high percentage three-point shooter taking the shot, or a center taking the three point shot. Another factor that has been taken into account is the amount of time left, and score differential. These two factors will heavily influence the mindset of the

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