
The Hunger Games Brought Me The Joy Of Reading, And It Became A Hobby

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Hunger Games brought me the joy of reading, and it became a hobby. It also helped me get along with other better. Before the Hunger Games, reading was more of stabbing me in the back. I tried to read, and I would leave clueless that I receive a bombing grade. I left feeling hopeless. I would end up barely pass the class and the milestone. When I struggle with reading, I’m sometimes stuck in my house upstairs in my room where it’s usually quiet as a mouse. So if I was busy with homework, I could not go to my Boy Scout meeting or play baseball. I lived in a county in Georgia that has a well-educated school system, and it is rough when I try to overcome my autism because my speech, reading and writing issues. Reading slows me down when I need to finish a project, get ready for a test, or sent in a reading blog. Plus, my mom will command me to read to her when I struggle with my reading decoding. Soon, it all started to change in eighth grade that happen by my mom’s three little words, the book, and the blog.
For me, I really enjoy watching movies and TV series. Hunger Games was coming out soon, and I was dying to see it including my brother, Christopher. Our mom is a substitute teacher for elementary schools. Hunger Games was a movie that our mom did not allow Christopher to watch because of what the movie is about which made him upset and jealous. If I wanted to go see the movie, my mom responded, “Read the book”. Those words upset me, but I know she keeps her word if I read

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