
The Ibo Research Paper

Decent Essays

There is a famous tale among the Ibo people of Nigeria that tells the story of an undefeated wrestler. The wrestler had fought all of his tribesmen, all of his countrymen, and all of the animals. Yet, still no one could defeat him. Looking for a challenge, he ventured into the spiritual world. There he wrestles all of the spirits, defeating each of them. He cried out, Is there no one who can defeat me? Everywhere the wrestler ventured, the people would beg him to leave. Then one day a frail looking man appears ready to fight him. The fragile old man is the wrestler’s own chi (the Ibo believe every person possess a chi). Laughing, the wrestler approaches as if to defeat this foe with ease. His chi, however, lifts him easily with one hand, dashes …show more content…

We can be our own biggest threat. Most downfalls occur, not at the hands of another person, but by our own hand. Think back over the past few years at those in our society that have faltered. What was the source of their fall? The people I can recall brought their own demise by the choices they made. Some made statements that were captured by the media. Others did things in secret that got brought out into the open. I know people who posted pictures or made statements on Facebook that later regretted doing so. Downfalls rarely come as a result of the actions of someone else. Other sources may have brought their fault to the attention of the world or others, but the roots of the mistake begin with themselves. We, it seems at times, are our own greatest opponent. Master yourself. The moral of the Ibo tale is to master your-self before conquering the world. The book of Genesis teaches that sin (selfishness) waits at the front door of our house and that we are to master our self-ishness. The danger does not derive from someone else’s house, some other group of people, or from someone who does not like us. The danger comes from within. I have found the challenges faced in life have more to do with Self than the obstacle presenting the challenge. Knowing Self, understanding Self, is the key to facing challenges. Imagine if the Ibo wrestler had recognized that the frail and fragile old man was himself. How might the outcome been

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