
Essay on The Iconic Rod Sterling Spoke Out Against Socialism

Decent Essays

The iconic Rod Serling contributed to televisions “Golden Age”, the writer and director of the very accomplished series " The Twilight Zone” and “The Night Gallery”, has not only dazzled the world with his mind boggling work in the expansive sci-fi genre but has also successfully utilized his position in television and radio to speak out against socialism. During World War II, Serling fought Nazi forces in Europe. It was there that he realized the true "wrongs" in the world. Serling understood the world had been blinded by socialist eyes and poisoned by prejudice hearts. He found that with television he could "take a part of the problem, and using a small number of people, get my point across." In this …show more content…

At the end of this "upside down" film the Statue of Liberty is shown with the haggard face of a monkey instead of the glorious statue we know today, too Serling's credit. He found a way to utilized such eerie details like this in order to tell the audience what is happening without actually needing the characters to speak at this point. Lady Liberty has been transformed therefore the world did not belong to the human race, something left unsaid at the end of this cinematic picture. Another example of Serling's work against socialism is in the ingenious tale of "The Shelter," 1961 nuclear war has unleashed hell and those who were caught in the fray desperately sought shelter. An episode such as this was based on human morals and questioned what man was willing to do for the sake of another man. Serling lifted the veil of ignorance by giving the gift of awareness. It is in this glorious achievement that the world can truly see Serling's genius, because when we are made aware of our mistakes as people, there can be no excuse for what we continue to do. Serling was audacious enough to ask the people of this earth to question themselves along with their humanity. In the closing of the episode "The Shelter," Serling explained what he believed to be humanity's greatest struggle, "No moral, no message, no prophetic tract, just a simple state of fact: for civilization to

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