
The Ideas Of Characters Revealed In Evan's Armageddon

Decent Essays

In four days the world will end
Every city on Earth will be gone.
No remnants of the cultures,
That once lived on the young planet. During this time of Armageddon,
Horrible events take place.
The characters have lost all hope,
And have begun to act irrational. Cassie has problems with Evan
Now that he is more than he seemed
The two love each other
But doubt is quite obvious.
Cassie believes Evan's an angel,
Whom she does not deserve
Throughout the book they argue
And Cassie is quite extreme
For she is afraid Evan's love for her
Is simply because the idea of her.
So weak and tired of her hardships,
Cassie can not take much longer. During this time of Armageddon,
Horrible events take place.
The characters have

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