
The Imagination And Sexuality : Sexual Relief

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The Imagination and Sexuality:
Sexual Relief The imagination is the first site of an individual’s existence. It is within the imagination that the individual, through consciousness and unconsciousness, comes to know his or her true self, including one’s desires. Sigmund Freud influenced the studies of psychology and psychoanalysis, defining the unconscious as, “the storehouse of instinctual desires and needs. Childhood wishes and memories live on in unconscious life, even if they have been erased from consciousness. The unconscious is, in a sense, the great waste-paper basket of the mind – the trash that never gets taken out: ‘in mental life nothing which has once been formed can perish -- … everything is somehow preserved and … in suitable circumstances … it can once more be brought to light’ (Freud 1930: 256). Laura Mulvey beautifully expresses desire in, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”, as, "Desire, born with language, allows the possibility of transcending the instinctual and the imaginary”, which may be understood as the imagination propelling forward with sexual desires (837). In many ways, poets of the Romantic Period, with the use of the imagination, reveal unconscious sexual desires through their writings. Much of this sexual drive triggered by repressed desires exists within Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude. One may argue that these poets utilized the imagination as an instrument for relief from sexual desires. The imagination, one may say, is exceedingly

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