
The Impact Of Carbon Fixation In The Oceans

Decent Essays

This article relates to science because it discusses bacteria that helps trap carbon, keep it out of the atmosphere, and use it to benefit the ocean. Our oceans are still very unexplored and everyday we can learn more and more about the creatures that thrive in the waters of our world’s oceans. “Nitrospinae bacteria, which use the nitrogen compound nitrite to “fix” inorganic carbon dioxide into sugars and other compounds for food and reproduction, are responsible for 15 to 45 percent of such carbon fixation in the western North Atlantic Ocean, researchers report in the Nov. 24 Science. If these microbes are present in similar abundances around the world — and some data suggest that the bacteria are — those rates may be global, the team …show more content…

Carbon fixation in the oceans, while on a smaller scale than on land, also plays an important role in the food web of the ocean. As the previous excerpt from the article mentions, the fixation from Nitrospinae helps with about 90% of deep ocean waters where there is no sunlight to use. The organisms living beyond the reach of sunlight much rely on carbon fixation from bacteria. “And although scientists knew that these bacteria use nitrite to produce energy, the new study showed that the compound is the primary source of energy for the microbes. Marine microbiologist Frank Stewart of Georgia Tech in Atlanta says the study “exemplifies how advances in genomic methods can generate hypotheses about metabolism and ecology.” These findings suggest that scientists need to rethink how energy and materials cycle in the dark ocean, he says. ‘While this ocean realm remains underexplored, studies like this are models for how to close our knowledge gap.’”- (Paragraph Eight). As the previous excerpt from the article explains, scientists are aware of their lack of knowledge about our oceans and are continuing to study and learn more and more everyday. We are learning more about our deep oceans and how organisms are able to survive in such a dark, cold, and seemingly unforgiving place.
This article impacted me because carbon fixation is vital in providing food to the organisms and plants that make up the base of our food webs. Without those organisms, we would not

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