
The Impact Of Children In School Occupations

Decent Essays

Occupational therapists in school-based settings facilitate children with disabilities to participate in school occupations. These occupations can range from playing with peers, to social interactions with peers and teachers, to academic and non-academic activities to activities of self-maintenance, and to interactions with the school environment (Chandler & Clark, 2013). Nearly, thirteen percent children in pubic schools receive special education services (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2017). Approximately fifteen to eighty percent of children with various disabilities also have sensory processing disorder (SPD) (Ahn, Miller, Milberger, & McIntosh, 2004). SPD impairs children’s ability to detect, modulate, interpret, and …show more content…

Statement of the Problem
The current policies in education call for the provision of related services such as occupational therapy (OT) in natural settings (Chandler & Clark, 2013)(Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act, 2004). As a result, service delivery models in public schools have shifted from pullout interventions to providing services in a child’s natural environment (Case-Smith & Holland, 2009; Hong, 2014; Nochajski, 2002; Villeneuve & Hutchinson, 2012). The sensory diet intervention is in accord with the current educational policies and trends as the intervention is provided in a child’s natural settings. In addition, this intervention intends to improve the child’s participation in school activities by improving the child’s ability to process and organize sensory stimuli and his/her sensory arousal. Nearly twenty-six percent occupational therapists work in school-settings (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2015) and ninety percent of them use interventions based on the sensory integration (SI) theory to manage the manifestations of SPD in school settings (Ahn et al., 2004). Although the sensory diet intervention is widely used in school-based settings to manage manifestations of sensory processing issues, very few studies have

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