
The Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Leadership

Decent Essays

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership and Leadership development in the non-profit sector.
Gone are the days of intelligence relating only to academia and the testing of the intelligence quotient (IQ). The 21st century brought about the introduction of “emotional intelligence” as an added skill set in a leader’s tool kit. Essentially, the ability be aware and manage one’s own emotions, the others emotions, and effectively applying that information to guide ones thinking and actions (Salovey and Mayer 1990). This type of leader is mindful not to offend, employing an empathetic approach while genuinely using self-discipline and care when interacting with others. According to Goleman (1998) “Effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of emotional intelligence. “ His position is a good leader will know what type of leadership to engage, based on the situation.
Leaders in the nonprofit behavioral health arena are expected to work through and connect with diverse groups of people, while demonstrating the skills to actively listen and discern situations empathetically. Affective imagination is the leader with a self-awareness, which effectively responds to intellectual and emotionally challenging situations (Stephenson, 2011). According to Cote & Miners (2006) the adaptation of emotional competencies are essential for several domains of life which helps to pique interest in the concept of EI. The relationship of EI has been explored

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