
The Impact Of Gender On A Person 's Ambitions And Future Career

Better Essays

The topic of my Personal Interest Project came to me whilst watching my cousin open presents on her 6th birthday. Not to my surprise, she received a fairy costume, a Barbie Rainbow Hair doll and a toy oven with a matching pink baking set. Whilst she couldn’t wait to show off her new gifts (much to the jealousy of her friends), I couldn’t help but wonder if such a strict expression of gender would have an influence on her ambitions, goals and future career.

The main question I hope to answer upon completing of my PIP is ‘Do the toys played with as children influence a person’s ambitions and future career?’ I have always had an interest in advertising as an influence over consumer behaviour, and so hope to address this in a major part of my PIP, as well as the impact this has on a child’s future. I will be employing a range of methodologies and secondary research tools and including a cross-gender component throughout. I will predominantly be researching the impact of gender-biased toys, and the marketing of such toys, on the development of children’s perceptions of their abilities and whether these create limitations that carry through to adulthood careers.

Throughout the research element of my PIP, I employed four primary research methods in order to obtain a mix of qualitative and quantitative data. An initial questionnaire was sent out in order to gain general opinions on my topic, which could then be converted into quantitative and qualitative data. The

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