
The Impact Of Homer's Influence On Modern Literature

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For years people have studied and debated the poet, Homer, and the works Western civilization attributes to him. Homer stands as the center of authority and stability for any student of literature. There are those who fear that Homer is losing his influence on culture due to the increased push for diversity in literary studies. Such fears seem premature because even the most diverse of scholars still return to Homer for help. Homer pervades culture both within and outside of the university; and his literature continues to resonate and reverberate at the center of the Western world. His influential contributions range from modern literature, modern film, and modern psychology. Homer’s poems still influence modern literature because he is studied by nearly every student. These students can grow up to write stories that were influenced by Homer without ever realizing it. Many texts are just the accumulation of previous texts read put in an order different from all other previous works. According to Anthony W. Lee in “Samuel Johnson as intertextual critic,” “each new work [of literature] draws power and articulation from its predecessors, even as it contributes something new.” Homer was one of the first authors to have in-depth characterization of main characters. This depth makes the characters seem life-like and more realistic. For instance in The Iliad, the warriors Achilles and Hector show their vulnerability in different ways. While Achilles weeps because Agamemnon takes

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