
The Impact Of Media On Female Athletes

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threatening female athlete’’ (Rowe, 2004:??). Females very rarely receive more coverage than males, despite their efforts and achievements being equivalent (Weter and Canni, 2013). This is evident in the sport sections of newspapers as well as other forms of mediated sport. Often only a minute portion, if any, of a newspaper page is utilised for the representation of female athletes. Media personnel attempt to permeate ideologies to wider society through the use of media texts, often legitimising the notion that sports are naturally an activity for males. This is achieved by displaying many images of physically powerful men (George et al, 2001: ) who depict the ideals and values of muscular Christianity. Boyle and Haynes, (2009:122), explain that due to biological differences between men and women that have been socially established, females are very rarely represented showing muscles and being physically powerful. George et al, (2001: ), explain that this organisation of society can be seen throughout history and has been prominent for many years. The Victorian legacy, as explained by Boyle and Haynes (2009:123), where by female physical ability, emotional state and limitations inflicted by society to participate in sport, can still be seen in modern society. Majendie, (2015), produced a media text for the Independent about the gold medal winner Jessica Ennis-Hill. In this particular text she is initially referred to as the ‘golden girl’. Bruce, (2015: ),

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