
The Impact Of Supportive Co Parenting, Father Engagement And Attachment

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Examining the Impact of Supportive Co-parenting, Father Engagement and Attachment:
An Article Analysis
La-Mine Perkins
NC State University

Research has shown that the presence of healthy attachments between parents and children during infancy are a cornerstone of individual’s future social and emotional well-being (Zastrow 147). Secure levels of attachment are associated with healthy peer relationships, higher self-esteem and overall survival. In "Associations among Supportive Co-parenting, Father Engagement and Attachment: The Role of Race/Ethnicity, Pudasainee-Kapri and Razza examine the impact of supportive co-parenting, and father engagement on mother-child attachment. The article was written by …show more content…

This assessment included the father engagement through telling stories, singing, reading, and other measurable indicators. The research also looked into the parent perception of the child, and the co-parenting relationship. Finally, the researchers controlled for variables, to mitigate suspicious engagement among the father engagement, mother-child attachment, and co-parenting. After controlling for disqualifying factors the researchers were left with a sample that was slightly skewed due to a larger than normal proportion of married/cohabitating and minority families. It is unclear what the impact to the overrepresentation of some groups may have had on the study. The methodology of surveying only mothers does leave room for criticism of implicit bias.
The research found that the was a correlation of co-parenting and race/ethnic interactions as associated with the child-parent association was found. Research findings validate the well-accepted data on the importance of supportive co-parenting during infancy and the many benefits including father engagement and mother-child attachment. The findings did differ from previous research in finding, lower levels of father engagement in minority families. Attachment in minority parent-child relationships was also lower than those of white families. Regardless, the positive link between supportive co-parenting and father engagement crossed racial/ethnic lines. Researchers theorize

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