
Shortage On The Profession Of Nursing Study

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The Impact of the Nursing Shortage on the Profession of Nursing Nurses make up the single largest health profession in the U.S. Nurses perform many different patient care task and deliver critical health care services in many different settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care clinics, hospice, home health care and public health facilities. The distinction among the different types of nursing reflects education, role and medical background. Registered nurses have different levels of educational degrees. Every graduate nurse must pass the national exam, The NCLEX-RN, before they are licensed to practice. Registered nurses provide direct care services at many different levels, such as designing a plan of care for individual patients, educating patients on disease process and prevention, administering treatment and promoting health for patients, families and communities The projected 29 percent shortage in 2020 is the result of a 40 percent increase in demand between 2000 and 2020 in comparison to a projected 6 percent growth in supply (Projected Supply, Demand, and Shortages of Nurses, 2002). One of the biggest components is the increasing numbers in the elderly population. According to the University of Illinois College of Nursing, a report was issued stating that "the ratio of potential caregivers to the people most likely to need care, the elderly population, will decrease by 40% between 2010 and 2030" (Nursing Institute at the University of

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