
The Impact Of Violent Crime On The Rutgers New Brunswick Community

Better Essays

Matilda Owirodu
320 Northumberland Way
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852

July 29, 2015

Governor Chris Christie
State of New Jersey
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

Dear Governor Christie:

It was a pleasure to meet you at my July 2015 presentation regarding the impact of violent crime on the Rutgers New Brunswick community. Along with this letter, I have attached a comprehensive copy of my proposal which aims to improve the safety of New Brunswick by implementing a strategic policing approach to reduce violent crime after dark.

The City of New Brunswick is relatively safe except for hours after dark when there have been many controversial incidents of victimization. The safety of Rutgers New Brunswick attracted major concern in early 2014 when a former Rutgers student was murdered just blocks away from the New Brunswick campus, in an area highly populated by off-campus students. In a South River town hall meeting in March 2014, you expressed your empathy for parents and students who were deeply concerned about the safety of Rutgers New Brunswick. I agree with your position that granting “full police powers” to the Rutgers Police Department (RUPD) is not a viable solution to off-campus crime. Even with full police powers, the RUPD would encounter jurisdictional constraints which would limit their ability to effectively police off-campus areas.

I am aware that you have been in search of the best solution to improve the safety of the New Brunswick

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