
The Impact Of Visible Minorities In Canada

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What are visible minorities? Visible minorities are those people that are not native people or white skined in race or non-white in color. Canada is multicultural country that divides its population into two categories; visible minorities and non visible minorities. It has been noticed that the number of visible minorities is increasing per year in Canada (Black, 2009 p.71). The number and impact of visible minority citizens of Canada is developing in terms of percentage of the population. Visible minorities are also allowed to take an interest in different fields, for example social, governmental, private limited and politics. They also have rights in all terms same as to white people. Many immigrants from different countries based on work permit or study permit came here in canada. These migrated immigrants have lot of opportunities to settle down , get education , and with that work is also applicable. Canadian government had provide immigrants a special place in canada and made rules and regultions as for canadians. That is why Canada is a multicultural society in which different kinds of religions live together and cooperate with common language to describe each others feelings. So, migrated people from different countries are called as visible minorites. However, visible minorities are seen under present in the terms of political field in Canada ,but there is also some inequality is shown by white people in politics. "Indians in the US, visible minorities and

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