
The Impact of United States Presidential Elections on the World View (Standing) of America

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How other countries view America’s position in the world varies not only based on America’s actions within the international arena, or foreign policy, but also how Americans view the actions of their leaders and policy makers. For both internal and external views, America’s “standing” revolves around two primary elements – how well the US government does what it says it is going to do and how well it stands up to threats against it. While these are not the only elements considered, America’s credibility and pride are viewed as key to how well it will respond to interactions both within and outside its borders. A country’s world view, or standing, can vary over time and be impacted by a number of things such as where a country is located, …show more content…

1 Change came about slowly. The election of 1796 was the first with two individuals running for President. John Adams was selected as the Presidential candidate by the Federalists and Thomas Jefferson was selected by the Republicans. International issues became a factor for the first time with the Federalists branding the Republicans as "Jacobins" after Robespierre's revolutionary faction in France. The Republicans opposed a recently negotiated treaty with Great Britain which the Federalists believed was the only way to avoid a potential war with Britain. The Democratic-Republicans tended to side with France while the Federalists sided with Great Britain. America understood the importance of world events on our country, but other countries paid little attention to us.1 In the 1812 Presidential election, James Madison was re-elected president by a very narrow margin. The War of 1812, which had begun five months earlier, was the dominant issue. Opposition to the war was concentrated in the northeastern Federalist states. In the Northeast Madison carried only Pennsylvania and Vermont, but Clinton received no votes south of Maryland. The election proved to be the last one of significance for the Federalist party, largely owing to anti-British American nationalism engendered by the war. However, the War of 1812 made other

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