
The Importance Of Academic Integrity

Decent Essays

Our moral standards of what we perceive to be wrong or right confines a sense of individuality and commits probable errors in determining how one should behave, especially in a community that promotes academic and social learning. However, given the circumstances in which individuals chose to commit fraudulent actions during an examination, it subsequently leads to an undeserved punishment among the unaware population (being the pupils of the said Globals class.) To understand what is suggested by the term “Academic Integrity” let us focus on Academic. Academic implies the learning and understanding of topics, resources, and experiences. We attend school to learn and receive an education in several fields of the provided resources. When dealing with Integrity we’re establishing the idea that we are honest and by no means shall we be permitted to deceive or ignore the actions of other pupils. Doing so, not only tarnishes one’s reputation as honest and credible, but enforces excessive punishments to those deemed innocent. By being dishonest, we disrupt and alter the peaceful and cooperative environment by corrupting those who feel uneasy of the possible sanctions of providing incriminating information to authority, or in this case our educators. Throughout history, there have been individuals who demonstrated characteristics of their high moral standards. An exemplary model for such occurrence was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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