
The Importance Of Being An Residential Leader

Decent Essays

The Why’s of being an RL Tarleton, like other university’s in Texas, have what is called an Residential Leader, or RL for short, to help ensure that all the students who live on campus can have the best college experience Tarleton can offer. Although the names of the people may vary from university to university, they all still follow similar guidelines on how to help their residents. Being an RL has an enormous responsibility because they are who the students of the dorms look up to them as they set an example for determination, accountability, and relatability. RLs are asked many questions daily because they either know the answer or have the resources to help you find the answer. Some of the important questions RLs and future RLs should know include why they wanted to be an RL, why they should be an RL, and why should Tarleton even have RL’s. …show more content…

One of my favorite things to do is to see someone who was feeling down smiling because I was able to make their day better. On numerous occasions I have seen residents in my hall look up to our RL or see their faces light up as they are walking past them. I would to instill that level of joy onto resident of my own hall and be someone they can trust to come to with their problems and not be afraid to hold back any questions they may have. With many of my friends being RLs, I love the stories and ways they tell me they bond or get to better know their residents throughout the year, and I believe that it would be wonderful to have my own memories and stories to tell to inspire others to do the

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